V Magazine at UVA


Being one of the Editor-in-Chiefs for V Magazine at UVA, I knew I had to establish and solidify our first ever website so that we could increase our online reach. My co-editor and I were thus tasked with outlining our website's main features, developing our theme, and delivering a final, accessible product. 

Design Approach

Keeping the magazine's history in mind, I wanted to feature a simple yet cohesive outline for the website, where pages like the archive, submissions, and new articles were easy to find. I kept the black and white theming to make the site feel navigable and decluttered, and positioned all main pages at the top of the site for accessibility. The font choices emphasize the eclectic and organic nature of the V Magazine at UVA brand, where student artistry and creativity are of utmost importance. 


Basic Wireframe

To scroll through, you may access the wireframe at the link here. 

A Few Final Pages

Home Page

Issue Page

Read Page

Photography Page