Blue Trunk Foundation


As the Social Media and Marketing Intern for the non-profit Blue Trunk Foundation, I was tasked with handling social media posts for their Instagram and Facebook accounts. These social media posts ranged from event announcements to tips and resources to general updates. 

Design Approach

Blue Trunk Foundation is a non-profit providing resources at the intersection of disability and travel. With this in mind, I wanted to make sure my social media graphics were continuously putting this message forth, as well as indicated a high level of empathy, care, and excitement about delivering necessary information. Through the use of Canva, I produced designs that were colorful and contrasting, where text was easy to read. I also separated posts into several categories to make the feed more digestible and varied over time, thus keeping audience attention up. 


Instagram Posts

Giving Tuesday 2023 Campaign

Upholding Anti-Ableist Language

Rupa at Chincoteague

Fibromyalgia Statistic

Accessible vs. Adaptive Tech

World Lupus Day

Instagram Stories

Adaptive Makeup Brands

Exoskeleton Suit Guide